ocr: CELVmageskmbl. X SIMPLE - T /FITS header BITPIX - 16 NO.Bits per pixel NAXIS 2 - NO.dimensions NAXIS1 - 1059 Length X axis NAXISZ - 1059 Length Y axis DATE 18/09/98 /Date of FITS file creation ORIGIN - CASB - STSCI /Urigin of FITS image PLTLABEL= E1593 UDServatory plate label PLATEID = U7VR /GSSS Plate ID REGION - XE173 /GSSS Region Name DATE-OBS= 08/04/56 /UT date of Observation UT 09:25:00.00 /UT time of observation EPOCH l 1.95626879882815TU3 /Epoch of plate PLTRAH - 13 /Plate center RA